Rethinking Assessment And Learning

 Sydney, Australia

We have an ecosystem where we are moving from a defined block of education, based around printed texts to lifelong learning, increasingly provided in digital modes. At the sametime we are moving from a job for ‘life’ to numerous evolving jobs. And learning in a classroom is rapidly giving way to learning anywhere and on any device.

This new learning and teaching paradigm does raise interesting questions.

  • How do current assessment frameworks support this new paradigm?
  • What then is the current state of assessments?
  • Are we leveraging developments in pedagogy, cognitive science and technology?
  • What is the future of assessments?

On 29th October 2014, Global Mindset (GM) presented Harvard’s Eric Mazur and father of peer instruction as the key note speaker at its 12th thought leading conference. In addition, GM presented 20+ thought leaders from USA and Australia. Workshops explored practical options for using automated assessments and adaptive learning.

As Global Mindset is a strong supporter of Innovation and Start Up ecosystem in Education Technology (Ed Tech) sector, we once presented four Education Technology Start Ups.


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